8 Jan 2010

[Advice] Getting help with your application

2010 is here and you may be starting to think about making an application, or getting your application documents in order.

For most courses there is still lots of time to apply for September 2010 but if you are thinking about applying, you may like to get some advice.

Cardiff University has a trusted network of advisors worldwide. They provide free advice and will also submit your application for you.

They have years of experience of helping students come to Cardiff and are especially useful if you want to talk to someone in your own country or language. They also arrange appointments with Cardiff University representatives when they visit overseas and will help you with all the necessary arrangements prior to your arriving at the University.

A list of all our educational advisors is available on the International Office website:

Of course if you should need any help with your application, or just want to ask a question, you can also email us: international@cardiff.ac.uk or ask us a question on one of our social networking sites: FacebookOrkut or Friendster.


1 comment:

  1. In India.. I as a student can assure my colleagues that The Chopras in Delhi is the best...

